Friday, June 28, 2013

My Top 3 Travel Tricks!

In the hustle and bustle of packing, one is likely to forget things. Since I travel often, I have become quite good at packing, but I have also picked up a few tips and tricks along the way! These 3 tricks are great for whenever you are in a predicament, not solely when you are traveling, but give these a try and let me know how it works for you!

Number 1
Forgot your shaving cream at home or couldn't find one that met the TSA requirements? Not to worry, conditioner does the trick. Apply conditioner to the areas you are about to shave to create a smooth surface for your razor to glide over. I prefer to use the cheap hotel conditioner instead of using my own for this =)

Number 2
Now whether you have oily skin or the weather is especially warm, a greasy face is never attractive. When you have run out of your blotting sheets or you don't have your powder on you, head to the closest public restroom. As strange as it sounds, toilet seat covers will provide the same matte effect to your skin as blotting papers. Being the germaphobe that I am, I always make sure to toss the first one and use the one behind that, just for sanitary reasons. Remember, you are pressing that on your face!

Number 3
Can't seem to tame those flyaways? I have the trick for you! Flyaways are stubborn and often not noticed until we've left the house. For most of us, we don't want to wet our hair or carry a bottle of hairspray with us wherever we go! I take my old mascara and throw it in my purse for those little emergencies! Take the mascara (I suggest a clear one if you are blonde) and just barely touch the individual hair. Don't worry, this will not make your hair crunchy, you just barely have to touch it! This is fast and compact so that you can tame those stubborn suckers anytime, anywhere!

Let me know if you liked this blog! I would love to post more of these for you guys!
Bon Voyage!
xo, Kiana

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