Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Crazy For Coconut Oil!?

With the dozens of oils in Whole Foods & Trader Joes now, it is amazing what you can substitute in your kitchen and even bathroom to make your diet, skin care, and hair care routine au natural! Amongst those many oils, Coconut Oil has made a recent debut in the beauty world, but many of you may not know that is has many health benefits as well!

1. Cooking
Substitute butter and olive oil for coconut oil when you are cooking or even baking! You can grease your pans with coconut oil or even coconut oil spray. Don't forget to add a spoonful to smoothies for a beachy getaway in your mouth!

2. Moisturizer
You heard me, lather up baby! After showering, rub this into your pores for a long lasting, sweet smelling moisture. Apply this to chapped lips for natural moisture. This will even prevent stretch marks for those of you who are expecting ;) 

3. Tanning Oil
Of course, just like tanning oil, coconut oil will attract the sun. Unlike tanning oil, coconut oil doesn't contain mineral oil that will clog your pores and leave you feeling greasy. Beware, you still need sunscreen to protect your skin from premature aging and sun inflicted skin disorders. 

4. Make-Up Remover
Take a spoonful of coconut oil and rub it between your fingers before applying it straight to your face. Gently rub this over your mascara and eyeshadow and wipe away with a cloth.

5. Shaving
Apply coconut oil on your legs when you are in a hurry to give your legs a slick texture that your razor will glide over, reducing the risk of cuts or razor burn. Once finished, wipe away and apply another layer for added moisture and sexy shine. 

6. Hair Treatment
Run your bottle of coconut oil under hot water until it has turned to oil. Apply the oil to hair, focusing on the ends. Let sit for at least 20 minutes then rinse. For a deep treatment, leave in over night and protect with a shower cap. I suggest washing hair twice to ensure all oil residue is gone. 

7. Oil Pulling
Stay tuned for my next blog post to discover the art of "Oil Pulling". It is the newest technique in the holistic health care world. Find out next time how and why you should try it out!

I hope that you guys learned something in this blog post and put some of these tips to use! Let me know in the comments how you guys use Coconut Oil! 

See you soon!
xo, Kiana

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